Sunday 19 December 2010

Christmas Books!

Hello! I am SOOOO excited about Christmas!
As it is near Christmas, I am doing a Christmas special! all about Christmas books.
I hope you enjoy this post and have a Merry Christmas!!

Daisy and the trouble with Christmas: by Kes Gray

Daisy is SOOOOOO excited about Christmas! And she gets even more excited when her teacher tells Daisy's class that they are going to do the school Christmas show!
Daisy really wants to be a Wise Man.... but, she gets the part of.... Mary's helper. But Daisy dosen't mind because she gets to hold the baby Jesus doll AND say something all by her self!
But, when the teacher chooses the doll for baby Jesus, she doesn't choose a talking one, she chooses a really boring one!
Daisy and her friend Gabby decided to make the doll more interesting.... oh, no!
It is a really funny book, because daisy is always doing the wrong thing!
I read it really quickly!
It has lots of pictures in it too.

Angelina's Christmas: by Katharine Holabird

Angelina's school is going to do a Christmas show.
When Angelina's walking home from school, all the houses are decorated, except one.
Angelina's mother tells her that an old man, Mr Bell, lives there.
Angelina and her little cousin Henry make biscuits for Mr Bell and take him a little Christmas tree; and Mr Bell is very happy.
It is a very nice story, and it has nice pictures too.

The Snowman: by Raymond Briggs

This is a comic book with no words, but the pictures tell the story.
A boy makes a Snowman, which comes to life in the night, and he shows the snowman his house. Then the Snowman takes him on a fly over the country side, city and the sea.
The ending is very sad, but it is still a really lovely book! I really like the pictures!