Wednesday 18 August 2010

Super Duper Books!

Hello again! This month I've got three new books to talk about, I hope you enjoy reading about them!

What Katy Did: By Susan Coolidge

I loved reading this one!
Katy, a 12 year old Tomboy, Lives with her Father, Aunt Izzie and her brothers and sisters, Clover, Phil, Elsie, Dorry and Joanna. Katy is always untidy, her hair is always in a tangle and she is very tall.
She also can't help breaking things all the time.
But one day, whilst Katy is on a swing, she has a terrible accident and can't walk for ages! She has to stay in bed for years before she can walk again! And when she can walk again, she has changed, she's no longer loud, full of energy and always breaking things, instead she is quieter and kind.
This book is great, and some times it's very funny! After What Katy Did there are two sequels, What Katy Did at School and What Katy did Next, but I think What Katy Did is the best one!

Twilight: By Stephenie Meyer

I've read a lot of good books but this is definitely one of my favourite ones!
The main character, Bella Swan, moves to live with her Dad Charlie. At first she really wants to go home, because of the awful weather, but then she meets Edward Cullen, and falls in love with him.
But Edward is a Vampire, so Bella needs to be careful...
It's a really good book, it's really exiting! You never know what will happen next! It's also very scary at times, it made me want to keep reading and reading and reading...
I can't wait to read the next one, New Moon! By the way, I think the book is much more better than the film, though I know loads of people love the film too!

Daisy and the Trouble with Zoos: By Kes Gray

This is an hilariously funny book!
It's Daisy's 7th birthday, and for her birthday treat she's going to the Zoo with her friends Gabby and Dylan. Unfortunately she misunderstands what 'Adopt a Zoo Animal' means and...
I won't tell you what happens because it would ruin the story, but I expect you can guess. All I can tell you is that it's really funny!
This book will probably be more popular with younger children, around 7 to 9, but I still really enjoyed it!
