Sunday 19 December 2010

Christmas Books!

Hello! I am SOOOO excited about Christmas!
As it is near Christmas, I am doing a Christmas special! all about Christmas books.
I hope you enjoy this post and have a Merry Christmas!!

Daisy and the trouble with Christmas: by Kes Gray

Daisy is SOOOOOO excited about Christmas! And she gets even more excited when her teacher tells Daisy's class that they are going to do the school Christmas show!
Daisy really wants to be a Wise Man.... but, she gets the part of.... Mary's helper. But Daisy dosen't mind because she gets to hold the baby Jesus doll AND say something all by her self!
But, when the teacher chooses the doll for baby Jesus, she doesn't choose a talking one, she chooses a really boring one!
Daisy and her friend Gabby decided to make the doll more interesting.... oh, no!
It is a really funny book, because daisy is always doing the wrong thing!
I read it really quickly!
It has lots of pictures in it too.

Angelina's Christmas: by Katharine Holabird

Angelina's school is going to do a Christmas show.
When Angelina's walking home from school, all the houses are decorated, except one.
Angelina's mother tells her that an old man, Mr Bell, lives there.
Angelina and her little cousin Henry make biscuits for Mr Bell and take him a little Christmas tree; and Mr Bell is very happy.
It is a very nice story, and it has nice pictures too.

The Snowman: by Raymond Briggs

This is a comic book with no words, but the pictures tell the story.
A boy makes a Snowman, which comes to life in the night, and he shows the snowman his house. Then the Snowman takes him on a fly over the country side, city and the sea.
The ending is very sad, but it is still a really lovely book! I really like the pictures!

Sunday 17 October 2010

Fabulous Books!

Hello again!
I'm sorry I didn't do a post for September, but I was away on holiday at the time.
I hope you like reading my new post!

Hetty Feather: By Jacqueline Wilson

Hetty Feather is a Victorian girl, and has never known her Mother, she was taken to the Foundling Hospital when she was very young. After that she lives with a Foster Mother and her other children. When she is taken back to the Foundling Hospital, she really misses her foster family. The staff at the Foundling hospital are mean and cruel to Hetty... and Hetty is determined to find her real Mother.

This book is really exciting... especially the part when she escapes from the Foundling Hospital; and sometimes even quite sad, because you feel sorry for Hetty - but it's funny at the same time! I really enjoyed it!

The World of the Brontës: By Jane O' Neill

Most of the time I write about fictional books on my blog, but this time I'm writing about a Non Fiction book as well!

This book is all about the Brontës' lives, books, and about what it was like in the 19th century.
The Brontës were three sisters, (they also had a brother called Branwell) called Charlotte, Emily and Anne. Charlotte wrote "Jane Eyre", (her most famous novel), Emily wrote "Wuthering Heights" and Anne "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" and "Agnes Grey",

I love reading this book over and over again!
It has a lot of pictures and photos in it, including the famous "Pillar Portrait" of the Brontë Sisters. It has so many interesting facts in it!
It is a really good book, and it encouraged me to read Jane Eyre, which I hope to write about when I've finished it.
Before I read this book I knew nothing about the Brontës, but now I know loads about them!

Chinese Cinderella: By Adeline Yen Mah

"Chinese Cinderella" is the true story of Adeline's childhood, she lived in China in the 1940's.
When she was born her Mother died, so her whole family thinks she's bad luck and she is unwanted.

Some of it is very sad, including the part about Adeline's pet duck, PLT.
But it is a very good book, (it even includes four pages of photos) ,I enjoyed it very much, and it has a happy ending!

I've never read it before, but there is another book by Adeline Yen Mah about her adulthood called "Falling Leaves" which I would really like to read too!

By Mairi

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Super Duper Books!

Hello again! This month I've got three new books to talk about, I hope you enjoy reading about them!

What Katy Did: By Susan Coolidge

I loved reading this one!
Katy, a 12 year old Tomboy, Lives with her Father, Aunt Izzie and her brothers and sisters, Clover, Phil, Elsie, Dorry and Joanna. Katy is always untidy, her hair is always in a tangle and she is very tall.
She also can't help breaking things all the time.
But one day, whilst Katy is on a swing, she has a terrible accident and can't walk for ages! She has to stay in bed for years before she can walk again! And when she can walk again, she has changed, she's no longer loud, full of energy and always breaking things, instead she is quieter and kind.
This book is great, and some times it's very funny! After What Katy Did there are two sequels, What Katy Did at School and What Katy did Next, but I think What Katy Did is the best one!

Twilight: By Stephenie Meyer

I've read a lot of good books but this is definitely one of my favourite ones!
The main character, Bella Swan, moves to live with her Dad Charlie. At first she really wants to go home, because of the awful weather, but then she meets Edward Cullen, and falls in love with him.
But Edward is a Vampire, so Bella needs to be careful...
It's a really good book, it's really exiting! You never know what will happen next! It's also very scary at times, it made me want to keep reading and reading and reading...
I can't wait to read the next one, New Moon! By the way, I think the book is much more better than the film, though I know loads of people love the film too!

Daisy and the Trouble with Zoos: By Kes Gray

This is an hilariously funny book!
It's Daisy's 7th birthday, and for her birthday treat she's going to the Zoo with her friends Gabby and Dylan. Unfortunately she misunderstands what 'Adopt a Zoo Animal' means and...
I won't tell you what happens because it would ruin the story, but I expect you can guess. All I can tell you is that it's really funny!
This book will probably be more popular with younger children, around 7 to 9, but I still really enjoyed it!


Saturday 17 July 2010

Awesome books!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I love books, so, on my blog, I'm going to tell you about books I've read (or am reading) and love! I will do a new post every month on the 17th, if I remember and have time. I hope my blog will help other bookworms like me to find great books to read!

The Diary of a Young Girl: By Anne Frank

I haven't quite finished reading this book yet but so far I am enjoying it very much!

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl born in Germany in 1929, but she and her family moved to Holland to escape from the Nazis. But in July in 1942 when Anne was 13, they went into hiding with 4 other people.

She wrote all about it in her diary. She wrote in her diary as if it was a friend, and she called it Kitty. She told her diary all about how the other people in hiding annoyed her and how much she wished she could go outside. In 1944 though, they were found and were taken to a concentration camp were Anne died in 1945.
It's a great book, because she made it so interesting, it's hard to put it down, grown ups and children alike will enjoy it!

Ballet Shoes: By Noel Streatfeild

I loved this book! It's about three sisters, Pauline,Petrova and Posy. They were adopted by Great Uncle Matthew, but he hasn't been seen for years and the money he left is running out. The three sisters start attending "The Children's Academy of Dance and Stage Training" in the hope that when they get older they can perform in shows to get more money.

It's a lovely Classic book, I like it that they get to perform in lots of shows! My favourite character was Pauline, she loves acting like me and I liked her personality best, but I loved them all!

Clarice Bean Spells Trouble: By Lauren Child

Clarice Bean Spells Trouble is really funny! Clarice is not very good at spelling (a bit like me) and when her teacher Mrs Wilberton announces her class is going to take part in a spelling Bee (which is another name for a spelling test) Clarice knows she won't do at all well and that Grace Grapello will because she can spell grapefruit. As well as a Spelling Bee Clarice's class is doing a school show of "The Sound of Music" and Clarice only gets the part of a Nun, who doesn't say anything. If you're interested in this book then I'd better tell you that it's the second in the series. The first one is called "Utterly Me Clarice Bean", then this one and third, "Clarice Bean Don't Look Now". So read the first one first!